Crystal Sculptures and a Deer

It was a welcome return to Lakeside Park this morning. A clear sky brought about the first real heavy frost which seemed to be nudging all of the leaves from their branches. The pollinator meadow seems to get the worst of the cold as it is exposed to the sky. Leaves, flowers and blades of grass were transformed into crystal sculptures:

I did not stay long in the meadow as my rubber boots which keep my feet perfectly dry are not so good at keeping the cold out. I headed for the cover of the trees and the warmer ground, and as I neared the path I got a surprise! A deer which had been just as oblivious of me as I was of it, raised its tail and took off in the opposite direction. I love how they run, there is no sound and I feel sure their feet never actually touch the ground. I followed, hoping that I might get a chance of a photo at a distance. I waited at the edge of a rough path which leads to a clearing and sure enough, the deer came out from behind the trees to see where I was. I snapped a couple of photos before the deer walked off into the undergrowth:

There are still warblers at the park, but what really caught my attention was a tree which was host to approximately a dozen young cedar waxwings playfully jumping from one branch to the next:

To the left of the waxwings and just on the edge of the pollinator meadow were a group of goldfinches who had the plant stems bent over as they searched for seeds:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Atkinson All Rights Reserved.


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