Merlin and the Frogs

I was headed to the top edge of Lakeside Park this morning. I had noticed a small predator flying from the treetops as I looked over the lake while standing at the main seated area:

Whatever the predator was, it was small and very fast. I observed it chasing the smaller resident birds, matching their movements with unerring accuracy. The bird of prey was unable to catch anything this time and after flying restlessly from one perch to the next, it eventually settled in the branches of a dead tree in the top corner of the lake. Of course, it would be in a really boggy area. I snapped a few photos, edging my way closer until I had to give up any thought of keeping my boots dry, and ventured into the reeds.

Through the blurred leaves of a willow tree, I was able to capture a photo of this beautiful little merlin:

The merlin attracted the attention of a blue jay who also seemed well aware of my presence:

The blue jay soon flew off, as did the merlin on another hunting foray:

It was time for me to walk my wet feet back to my bike. I snapped a few photos on my way along the edge of the lake. The green frogs are really hard to pick out in the murky waters around the edge of the lake, and to prove it, here is a photo that I was able to combine from two images. The frog's eyes are barely noticeable, poking out from the water. They blend in so well with their environment:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Atkinson All Rights Reserved.


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