Veil of Green

I had no plans to go to Lakeside Park this morning. It had been raining, and my google assistant assured me that the rain would continue. I'm not a big fan of the rain, but more importantly, the dense cloud cover at that time was really cutting down on the available light. I checked later at 7 AM and the rain had not started again. Perhaps my google assistant had got it wrong and even if the rain did start, I could always turn around and come home. I packed up my cameras, including the macro lens and off I went. I've been on holiday this past week, and when I ride to the lake this way (from home), I always dismount before walking slowly to the main seated area, trying not to scare anything away. I have the best view of the lake from there and can then decide where I should go. As I walked my bike along to the seated area, it was clear that someone else had already taken my vantage point:

I kept my distance, and after shooting off a few photos, I looked around to see if there was anything interesting. The immature pied-billed grebe was still at the lake, but as soon as it saw me, it started submerging and resurfacing its way to the far end of the lake and out of camera shot. That was my initial goal; to snag a few photos of the grebe while it was still here:

I found the grebe again in the far corner, completely masked by a veil of green. No clear shot through the reeds this time. I really had to increase the contrast when I processed the images. That also increases the grain which, to be honest, I really don't mind as it gives the photos a more painted look:

Even through the thick camouflage of the reeds, my movement was seen and the pied-billed grebe put some distance between us. I moved position, a little further down the lake with a much clearer view, but I never did get another chance up close. I looked around for something to take, and there was a green frog poking its head out of the water. I love how soupy the water looks:

The sun had now come out, but I didn't get another chance to use my big camera. There were lots of catbirds on the same grapevines I saw the robins on two days ago, but I could not get a clear shot through the branches. I turned to my macro lens and started looking in detail for smaller things. A cabbage white butterfly on a leaf with the photo showing a little lens flare:

And lastly, a bumblebee:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Atkinson All Rights Reserved.


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