Night Herons

The nights are gradually starting to move in. Leaving me more time to get settled before the suns rays hit the trees on the trail side of Lakeside Park. The moon was still peering down on me as I arrived at the lake:

The night heron was also waiting for the sun to rise:

There were three night herons in a willow tree on the lake's edge. Two adults and one juvenile who was really tucked away, well out of sight. Its eyes pierced through the willow tree's leafy embrace:

The birds at Lakeside Park are now, I feel, getting more used to my company. I could be wrong, but it seemed as if one of the adult herons even waved at me:

And then had a laugh at my expense when I slipped trying to get a foot hold on a wet, fallen tree trunk:

Seriously though, the night herons were doing exactly the same as what the great blue herons do in the mornings, warming up in the sun's rays before preening their feathers:

I look at it as a bonus whenever I get to see the night herons. They are simply stunning:

Copyright © 2019 Scott Atkinson All Rights Reserved.


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