Always be Prepared

I had to venture out again today, just to pick up a little something from a local grocery store. It's a short walk which crosses Highbrook Park and the edge of the Borden Wetlands, so a good excuse to take my camera.

Highbrook Park is a small pond with a path running alongside. It has the usual, ducks, geese, muskrats, etc. Lots of  butterflies and dragonflies, so I snagged a dragonfly (male widow skimmer) photo on my way:

A song sparrow's singing caught my attention. After a few choruses, it flew to the ground and then did its best impersonation of a pufferfish:

Looking nothing like a song sparrow at all. It was of course sunbathing!

I crossed the busy Fischer-Hallman Road, taking the shortcut along the edge of the Borden Wetlands, not expecting to see much of anything and of course, there right in front of me was a coyote. No time to focus, just raise the camera and a few quick clicks as it disappeared into the wetlands.

This is obviously not in focus, but I kind of like it:

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