Night Heron, Beaver and Curious Raccoon

A dark, wet morning with just enough light for my pocket-sized Powershot to take a photo of the night heron. Perched in the shade as it watched over the fish and other goings-on at Lakeside Park:

Far in the distance, I caught sight of the beaver heading for its den where it would rest the day away. It seemed different though, this time. The wake that it was leaving behind was much larger than normal, and it wasn't until it came closer that I understood why. The beaver had been foraging:

It dragged its food along with it and then took it underwater, disappearing without a trace. I waited at my usual vantage point and then waited a little more before I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. Much to my surprise, a little raccoon was walking along the grassy path toward me. It hadn't seen me, not until I turned my head and then it paused, unsure of what it should do in that situation. After a moment or two of thought, it took to the tree that it had just walked around, and shinnied up the trunk, pausing every few feet to look down at me:

It seemed just as curious of me, as I was of it:

Using the tree's branches as stepping stones to reach out on and see what exactly this strange creature was:

It finally settled in a cluster of leaves which had fallen to rest where the tree's branches forked. Looking wet and cold, I thought it best to leave it in peace to continue on with its journey:

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